Friday, March 02, 2007

LGF's 7 Deadly Words

Hey, old-line Christians. Remember the 7 Deadly Sins? Wikipedia has a pretty succinct list for newbies and those who have forgotten:
Listed in the same order used by both Pope Gregory the Great (b.540(?), d.604) in the 6th Century AD and later by Dante Alighieri in his epic poem The Divine Comedy(c.1308-1321), The Seven Deadly Sins are as follows: Luxuria (extravagance, later lust), Gula (gluttony), Avaritia (avarice/greed), Acedia (sloth), Ira (wrath), Invidia(envy), and Superbia (pride/hubris). Each of The Seven Deadly Sins has an opposite among the corresponding Seven Holy Virtues (sometimes also refered to as the Contrary Virtues).
Okay, now that we're all up to speed on this about-to-be-allusion, let's crank our time-machine forward to Little Green Footballs, which today, after a gracious hat tip to George Carlin, provides an update to this list by laying down 7 Deadly Words you can never say in the media:

1. Terrorist
2. Dhimmi
3. Treason
4. Caliphate
5. Victory
6. Jihadi
7. Patriot

HazZzMat had a hearty laugh at this one, and invites you to read the entire post here.

On the other hand, we have to quarrel with the last word on the list, "Patriot." The media will actually use this word quite frequently when referring to moonbat Democrats who tend to get defensive when correctly accused of sedition and treason (the latter of which, of course, you can't say according to LGF). But usually, when they use the term at all, the media will deploy "patriot" in its adjectival form. I.e., something like "Nancy Pelosi vigorously defended all Democrats as "patriotic." And the media also delights in indignant quotes from leftist Dems who get furious when their "patriotism" is questioned. (While never quoting Republicans who get furious when they're called "Nazis.")

Of course, media types never bother to ask questions of leftist Democrats that might uncover the peculiarly skewed flavor of their "patriotism." Any part of speech employing the root "patriot-" is assumed to refer to U.S. patriots: people who support this country. But if you assumed that, you would be wrong.

Historically, no one ever called leftists on their brilliantly sneaky misuse of patriotic terminology. Perhaps the very obviousness of their terminological game was what concealed it in plain sight. What lefties never told, and never tell the media is that once upon a time they or their ideological forbears were "patriots" for a New Socialist World Order that would be ruled from Moscow, the Vatican City of Marxist secular humanists.

Post-Berlin Wall, these vile dissemblers got a little lost, but they've recalibrated. Now the object of their ideological affections is the U.N., which is pretty much the same thing as Moscow used to be: a corrupt, elitist organization dedicated to destroying business and freedom and redistributing whatever wealth is left presumably to the proletariat (but more likely to themselves), thereby producing instant nirvana.

The silent assumption by the media, and nearly everyone else, is that Democrats and leftists are patriotic Americans who simply have a different point of view. It is intriguing that no one in the media is interested in finding out where their loyalties lie. But the answer has always been there in plain sight.

Of course, even if the media asked the question, they'd only get lies in return. Which they'd calmly accept before moving on to criticize Republicans for whatever the leftist grudge of the day might happen to be. That's the fun of the dialectic. Just change the scenario with a quick slander or smear and keep moving.

Bottom line, a friendly suggestion from HazZzMat: LGF might want to reconsider its choice of that 7th word!

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