Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Horowitz Spots Liberal State Religion

A Pennsylvania judge ruled that “Intelligent Design” had no place in classrooms because it was “a religious view, a mere re-labeling of creationism, and not a scientific theory,” thus violating the separation of church and state...Yet at that very moment professors in American universities were teaching a form of secular creationism as contrary to the findings of modern science as the Biblical claim that the God had made the world in seven days...The name of this theory is “social constructionism,” and its churches are Women’s Studies departments situated in universities across the United States. The feminist theory of social construction maintains that the differences between men and women – apart from obvious anatomical ones -- are not biologically determined but are created by a patriarchal social structure that is designed by men to oppress women...Critics of feminism such as Christina Hoff Sommers and neuroscientists such as Harvard’s Stephen Pinker have pointed out that this view contradicts the findings of modern science...'Secular Creationism,' David Horowitz, Front Page Magazine

One of the most beautiful things about solid, well-researched, tested theories is that they have a simplicity and obviousness that astounds on a first viewing. One asks: Why didn't somebody else see that? Maybe in this case they did, but rarely has this thesis about the Left been so well enunciated, and by someone who used to be a True Believer. Way to go, David!


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