Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Global Hot Air: Prof. Stott's Analysis

In a column curiously excluded from The New York Post's Web site, Philip Stot wrote the following:

Does it matter if global warming is a 'crisis' or not? Aren't we threatened by a serious temperature rise? Shouldn't we act anyway, because we are stewards of the environment? Herein lies the moral danger behind global warming hysteria. Each day, 20,000 people in the world die of waterborne diseases. Half a billion people go hungry. A child is orphaned by AIDS every seven seconds. This does not have to happen. We allow it while fretting about "saving the planet." What is wrong with us that we downplay this human misery before our eyes and focus on events that will probably not happen even a hundred years hence? We know that the greatest cause of environmental degradation is poverty; on this, we can and must act....('Global-Warming Hysteria,' Philip Stott, The NY Post, 3/21/2007)

Why the publisher didn't see fit to include this on the Web site is most curious. Stott hits on a principal issue in the whole matter of climate change, that it's Lefty boutique politics, something that rich hysterics can howl about while turning the other way when confronted by something immediate. The relationship between this and the so-called "anti-war" movement and its support for Islamic terrorists is not very subtle.


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