Thursday, November 09, 2006

Purple State: Colonization of the Red by the Blue

As a Democratic majority retakes the House, among the gains that made it possible are Republican congressional losses in Colorado and Arizona. In Arizona, Democratic Governor Janet Napolitano crushed her Republican opponent; in Colorado, Democrat Bill Ritter cruised to victory in the gubernatorial election and Democrats solidified their hold on the Colorado legislature. The Democratic victories seem to me symptomatic of a shrinking of the geographic Republican base.

In yesterday's press conference, President Bush looked to his unpopular immigration reform proposals as "an issue where I believe we can find some common ground with the Democrats." Working together, the president and a Democratic Congress might be able to finish off the Republican Party.

--Scott Johnson in PowerLine

Well, yes indeed. We respect Scott and PowerLine, but they don't know the half of it. (Or maybe they do.) Part by stealth, part by dumb luck, leftists in America, in keeping with Marxism and the dialectic, continue to move toward "one world" led by intellectuals who are, coincidentally, card-carrying Marxists and socialists.

That "one world" originally was to be led by Moscow. But after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the hard left in the U.S. and Europe had to rethink their vision. And they did. So pay attention here. This is some of the political and cultural background stuff we're going to be dishing out over the next two years. We're only hoping there's enough time to explain it.

To make a long story short, for the hard left (read college professors, the MSM, the scribbling classes, judicial "activists," and the ACLU), the United States and its liberal (in the original sense) democracy underpinned by evolutionary capitalism, is the main obstacle preventing a planet in which leftists from the "third world" (i.e., people not of European origin) will create a socialist paradise whose parameters they will define.

Some time ago, they concluded that even their judicial, cultural, and educational undermining of the system wasn't working fast enough to accomplish their aim of toppling U.S. democracy in their lifetime, so they decided to accelerate the movement. This became particularly important after the Berlin Wall fell, causing them to lose their anchor point and guiding light. But they quickly regrouped. They haven't always advanced their aims as one. But there has become enough of a commonality of purpose on the left that they tend to move in the same direction anyway without the need for much in the way of consultation.

Which is how we get back to Scott's point above. Unless the Republicans figure out a way to quickly recalibrate, they are quickly going to lose their ability to elect governing majorities. This is because of two slow-motion practices put in place by the left, one probably unintentional, the other quite intentional indeed.

First, the unintentional one. Leftist Democrats, through their ruinous policies of socialism, redistribution of wealth via punitive taxation, and the promotion of class struggle via the perpetuation of racial animosity, have successfully destroyed the live and vitality of major American cities, sometimes in part (Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco), sometimes in its entirety (Detroit, Cleveland). Higher earning liberals and leftists, while mouthing freedom and equality, soon become disgusted with the deterioration of their cities and counties, not to mention the danger to their children and the poor quality of their education. And so they move out of the cities, farther and farther, to colonize the near suburbs, the far suburbs, and ultimately the countryside to escape the damage their policies have wrought.

In so doing, however, an interesting thing happens—something we saw long ago in Vermont, but are now seeing in New Hampshire, Florida, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, and now, even in Arizona. All these were once bastions of conservatism. But now, as the lefties stream in to destroy new communities, they're bringing their votes along with them. And thus, lately, Republicans are becoming an endangered species in once reliably conservative states like New Hampshire, Colorado, and Virginia, all strongly demonstrated in recent elections. The wealthy lefties want to escape the damage they've left behind. But they are not changing their ways or voting habits, since they are constitutionally unable to learn by their mistakes and reform. So they are now beginning to inflict their mistakes on others. They are beginning to turn red states into purple ones. And once purple, these states will inevitably morph into blue.

Thus, the gradual colonization of Vermont by 1960s hippies; of New Hampshire by lefties who've ruined industry in Massachusetts' urban areas; of Northern Virginia by lefties migrating out of the District and Maryland to take advantage of Virginia's lower taxes and more plentiful jobs; the New York-ization of Florida and the easy political corruption that follows; and the gradual colonization of the Denver and Aspen areas of Colorado, and areas of Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico by Californians who have wrecked their own state with far, far too much misguided "progressivism."

The result: all these reliably red states are gradually being taken out of Republican orbit by colonization from the left. Again, let me emphasize that this colonization is somewhat unintentional. These people are seeking a "better life," almost wholly ignorant of the part they've played in ruining life where they formerly lived. Like the nomads of old, once the land is parched and the food sources have dried up, they gather their tents and mules and trek elsewhere hoping for a more fertile and unfettered venue in which to repeat the pattern again.

But that's not the only thing that is taking these areas and others slowly and relentlessly out of the hands of traditional communities. No, the colonization is multifaceted, and gets to the heart of the illegal immigration debate which even President Bush fails to understand or appreciate.

The Clinton administration is largely to blame for this parallel colonization. Remember, folks, that California is the state that brought us Richard Nixon and The Great Communicator. Not long ago, California was notable as a bastion of conservatism, and the right could generally count on its 50+ electoral votes to put them firmly in the lead in any presidential contest.

In a move little noted (on purpose) by the colluding MSM, the Clintonistas basically eviscerated the enforcement of existing immigration laws, particularly in California, early in its 8-year hold on the White House. Why? Simple. The more illegalistas it could import into the U.S., along with their useless (on the surface) socialist traditions, the more votes the Democrats could count on when they granted the illegalistas the inevitable amnesty and citizenship. And voila, in just a few short years, this massive body of compliant and socialist immigrants, as they acquired the vote, (often illegally abetted by Democrats), had relegated the Republicans permanently to the back bench of the California legislature and had secured the seats of Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, two drippingly leftist pols who, not surprisingly, aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer either.

It didn't take long for these forces to raise taxes and wreck California's economy, which, of course, caused a mass-migration of white leftists (who really didn't like Latinos anyway) out of California and into Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado (and maybe a little bit in Montana, right Conrad Burns?), where they will work their magic once again by refusing to contain illegal immigration, by raising taxes to support "services" (for whom? wanna guess?), and by persecuting industry. When they've ruined these states, will they stoop to colonizing North Dakota? Who knows?

The colonization of once safe strongholds for the American way of life, whether accomplished by wealthy leftists, poverty-stricken illegals, or both, is becoming an irresistible force. One sure way to stop this in its tracks is to put a halt to the second component of this colonization drive, the free entry of illegals into this country followed by amnesty for all of them. (Which of course, also has the useful effect of encouraging the flouting of our laws, further weakening our constitutional fabric.) Aside from the Minutemen, there seems to be very little recognition of how pernicious and how dangerous this two-pronged phenomenon is to the continued health and prosperity of our country, not to mention its continued survival as its own independent entity.

Our discussion here is not anti-immigration, nativism, or any of the nasty things one might call it if one were to read this from the left side of the aisle. The very reason people want so badly to emigrate to this country is for the economic and educational freedom available to all. And very nearly all Americans, including HazZzMat's bloggers, can trace their immigrant ancestors to just the last century. This is indeed a nation of immigrants. But LEGAL immigrants, like our own grandparents were.

But when the laws, systems, and traditions that sustain our freedoms are overwhelmed by what amounts to a concerted effort to overturn them in their current form, all new immigrants will find here, perhaps in a few short years, is a country reduced to the poverty and misery they thought they were escaping when they splashed across the Rio Grande in the dead of night.

Keep your eye on these dual colonization movements. While our own citizens, including, sadly, the lefty colonists who wrecked Massachusetts, New York, the Rust Belt, and California, are constitutionally free to move about and wreck successive communities with punitive laws and high taxation, we don't have to put up with the same kind of disaster foisted on us by illegal immigrants who don't belong here because they have no intention of obeying our laws and because they have been encouraged by previous misderected amnesty programs that have allowed others of their number to take advantage of the system.

Keep an eye on the renewed amnesty push that the new Congress will almost certainly promote, aided and abetted by President Bush who seems to think he can actually get the illegal constituency—natural allies of the left—to vote for Republicans. Illegal aliens need to be kept out. Aliens who enter the country legally need to be encouraged and assisted. And that is that, because doing less is to encourage the flouting of our laws, which are, in the end, the only props that our supporting our decaying civilization. This is the crucial issue of the next decade. Don't let it get away. We don't remember who once said "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." But it is.

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