Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Sublime Stupidity of John Kerry

The Kerry flap continues to confound the Democrats and the MSM who are trying to get it stifled before it overwhelms their plan to win next week's election, declare defeat, and bring the troops home, the better to ensure that the Islamofascists will attack us on this side of the Atlantic in 2007.

But I've been thinking about Kerry's misguided PR missile, and an interesting thought occurred to me that I though I'd share with you. Kerry initially caused the current flap by admonishing a group of college students to study hard and do well in school, or they'd "end up in Iraq." If you think about it, that's not the case at all. But it was true during Vietnam.

Remember, in those days, there was a military draft. But if you attended college as a student in good standing, you could maintain what was known as a student deferment and thus avoid, indefinitely, having to confront the possibility of being drafted to ultimately serve in Vietnam.

But wait a minute. Isn't it 2006? Don't we have an all-volunteer military now? Last time I looked, that was the case. Which, of course means that you can be a D student like John Kerry was, or even flunk out of college, and you still won't "end up in Iraq" although you might end up flipping burgers in a greasy spoon. Because there's no draft.

Kerry's "joke," which was never about President Bush, was more than an insult to the Nation's military. It was, in fact, a Freudian slip of epic proportions betraying his undying, idiotarian hatred of the U.S. military which has been on display countless times before. Kerry, and other leftists who tormented the Nation throughout the Vietnam War by dissing the troops and giving aid and comfort to the enemy, continue to attempt one last hurrah, reliving those thrilling Boomer glory days of yesteryear when pampered rich kids happily destroyed the Nation's morale to elevate their own sorry careers as 5th columnists. Kerry and others of his ilk have never outgrown this 1968-1974 time warp, and Kerry's asinine shenanigans have served as a vivid case in point.

Accusing the armed forces of collective brainlessness, Kerry shows that it is he, himself, and his fellow leftists, who are brain dead. By the very nature of his remarks, Kerry demonstrated a profound ignorance, in that doing well in school, in the absence of a military draft and student deferments, has nothing to do with whether or not a student will "end up in Iraq."

By his sneering asides, his breathtaking arrogance, and an eagerness, in his so-called apologies, to blame others (who "misunderstood" his remarks) for his own casual carelessness, Kerry reveals himself and all leftists like him to be nothing more than empty suits reflexively bleating empty Vietnam Era slogans and platitudes. By his clear reference to the draft, unwitting though it may have been, his indefensible "joke" placed his own and his party's invincible ignorance on display for all to see.

If Kerry, the former Democratic presidential candidate, doesn't even know what it means to live in 2006 and imagines that it's still 1968 and nothing has changed, why would anyone consider voting for this party of idiots, let alone taking them seriously at all? Kerry's collossal blunder is what happens when so-called intellectuals cocoon themselves for 30 years, congratulating themselves, buying elections, and showering each other with honors and prizes only available to the Party faithful. They gradually, and irrevocably lose touch with reality, as Kerry obviously has. Clearly, neither this man nor this party is fit to lead this great country further into the 21st century when they still fail to grasp the lessons of the last one.

UPDATE: The Kerry Krew has put out what is purportedly the original, written verbiage supposedly documenting that his "off the cuff" remarks dissing the military really were supposed to be a stab at President Bush. And indeed, the verbiage certainly makes it clear that the dumb student who ended up in Iraq was George W. Bush.

Problem is, is this supposedly written verbiage, never actually spoken by or defended by Kerry verbally, really what he was supposed to say? And when was it set down? Before or after the fact?

You know, 25 or 30 years ago, I might have believed this update from a Democratic politician's staff. But, having now logged in a nearly endless recent history of distortion, lies, inaccuracies, and outright but uncharged acts of treason, I simply can no longer believe in the veracity of anything a Democrat says, on or off the record. Particularly John Kerry. Even if this supposed ur-text of his "joke" were true, what he delivered was, as I wrote earlier here, a Freudian slip betraying his real, continuous, and undying hatred and contempt for the U. S. Military. I vote that this latest "revelation" is just like everything else the Kerry people put out: a crock.


Scott Hinrichs said...

Ah yes, Kerry allowing his mask to slip in the wrong public forum appears to be the gift that keeps giving. And every time he opens his mouth about it he simply makes it worse. GOP strategists must be laughing themselves silly over their good fortune, especially since they haven't given voters much reason to vote GOP.

Senator Bob Bennett (R-UT) suggested that the Dems could make the most of the Kerry flap simply by shutting up about it. But that appears to be one thing they cannot bring themselves to do. They think they have to raise a defense and answer every comment anyone makes about it. So, it appears the gift will keep giving, perhaps even until next Tuesday.

Wonker said...

Hi Reach!

Frankly, I'm beginning to think we ought to put Kerry out on the campaign trail again for the campaign's two final days. In just a few short hours, he completely blunted the MSM's triumphalism. But they're at it again, cheering for the leftists, I mean Democrats, in all the Sunday papers today. If we could just get Kerry to tell one more joke tomorrow, the Repubs might have it in the bag.

We will eventually find out this was a Karl Rove plot, won't we?