Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Light Blogging, Heavy Workload

Pace has picked up considerably here at Wonker's day job, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, however, it also cuts down on available blogging time. Such is life. We'll throw in at least some short commentaries as things occur.

Things to watch right now are the performance of the stock market over the next week, the near absolute lack of news stories coming from Iraq now that we appear to be "winning," and the non-reporting of the "free speech" dichotomies on college campuses wherein Iraq's crazed dictator gets to speak at Columbia while former Clintonista and former university president Larry Summers gets disinvited from a California university speaking engagement.

Summers is no conservative: he's basically a lib if not a lefty. But he violated Stalinist dogma by pissing off the feminazis, losing his job in the process. And is precisely that everlasting taint that got him disinvited in California. Like George Bush and Dick Cheney, the liberal Summers is now on the permanent "do not ever invite this fascist to speak" list at nearly all of the propaganda mills that still somewhat humorously regard themselves as institutions of higher learning. It's actually the colleges that are run by and for the fascists now, not the other way around. Stalin would be proud. Joe McCarthy would, too.

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