Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pelosi Surrenders through Surrogate Murtha

President Bush: "One thing Congress should not be doing is sorting out the historical record of the Ottoman Empire."

Senator Murtha, predicting that the resolution on Armenian genocide would fail: "We don't have the number of allies we used to have. We've lost so much credibility worldwide." Murtha: Armenian Genocide Vote To Fail, Breitart's, 10/17/07

The high comic point here is that Senator Murtha doesn't seem to realize that the credibility lost is that of the Democrats in the Senate and House who have supported such manipulative and ridiculous resolutions since Speaker Pelosi ascended to head of the House.

Let's see. Pelosi/Reid/Murtha have so far tried to surrender to Al Qaeda, negotiate a separate peace with Syria and Iran, defund a war that American forces and diplomats are winning, and their latest is to try to throw the delicately balanced position of Turkey in both NATO and the Islamic world in the trash for the benefit of their imagined constituents.

We don't doubt that they have constituents. The sad part of this story is that smallmindedness among Republican voters could make this even worse in 2008 by refusing to vote in the next national election. The feeling here is that if W could live with Tony Blair for six years, Republicans could stand Rudolf Giuliani for at least eight.


PS Apologies to President W -- he came out and blasted the Pelosicrats today on this subject, as one can see by the quote.

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